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Calignum All-Through Colored wood is made of high quality Nordic birch.
The unique Calignum technology allows ordinary birch to be completely colored allthrough its wood structure. The color is homogeneously distributed in the birch providing a new, colored material that can be grinded, carved or processed without any change of color. It has the same mechanical properties as ordinary birch. The material comes in the four standard colors: Brown, Green, Honey-Yellow and Rose- Red. More colors can be developed on demand. All-Through Colored birch is suitable for colored details in furniture but also for wood products that require a long life color that resists wear and tear.

All-Through Colored Birch
Calignum also offer compressed All-Through Colored Birch. This material is compressed according to the Calignum technology giving a very hard (Brinell 4.5) and scratch resistant material.

Material Properties